morose cynic

I try to be creative. Write stuff, make music, and videos.

Brain Barf | Sounds | Videos

Brain Barf - Episode 02

Continually lowering expectations. I should stop being surprised at how far some will go to avoid any incovenience.

Brain Barf - Episode 01

Stuck in the loop. An endless cycle of wash, rinse, repeat. It's like that Groundhog Day movie, only worse. Wake up, shower, drink coffee, drive to work, drink more coffee, fix other peoples' problems caused by self-inflicted stupidity, drink more coffee, drive home, fall asleep, go to line one...

I remember having accomplices. Maybe that was another lifetime. Years have passed, and they all hate me now. I know I did something to deserve it, but for the life of me, can't remember what exactly it was that I did.

So, here be I, traversing this wild sea alone in nothing more than a canoe. Or perhaps a different analogy. Here be I, navigating this wild wasteland with nothing more than a tricycle. Yeah. That's it. Beware of my tricycle of doom.